With magitek in hand, She aids her alliles, magitek in hand She lays to rest her foes.

To Heaven's bright sphere turn, Her heights attain.

Ruling over the eastern side of Zerynthia, lies Synestia. The kingdom well known for its prowess in science and man power, She has Her own way to blend magic and technology into one. With vast knowledge of science, does She have astounding magitek which enhances Her man power. Science and man power aside, She's also widely known as the leader of the eastern kingdoms alliance, which then evolved to be Synestia Empire.

Noting their location, the climate within Synestia's dominion is expected to be mostly dry. Over the years, Synestia has Her way to treat the deserts as Her sandbox. Whether by enhancing the technologies used to support the lifes of Her people, nor by dominating the beasts roaming around the sands.Humans and werebeasts are welcome here. Should the thrill of Her sandbox entices you, hadn't you best be off to seek it out?

The reins of history back in the hands of Man.

As how the history of Zerynthia lands went, there were several forms of Gods being responsible upon the birth of Synestia. Known as Blessing Gods, They were Goddess of Wisdom, Goddess of Mercy, and Goddess of Courage. Hand in hand together, They established the kingdom with full of mercy, insightful with wisdom, fueled with courage.Labeled as Cargo District, Synestia had the role of excelling in logistics and technologies from the very beginning. Her superiority kept on living until the present time, fulfilling the teachings of the Blessing Gods.
Her focus gradually shifted when the time for war ( 3499-1 BC ) came. Previously used for the needs of logistics, Her technologies were slowly used for the needs of battles. Not only technologies, Her lands slowly changed due to the consequences of becoming the battle field. The lands once flourished with vast plants, had only sands as the leftovers.
Costed Her much, the war had. Nevertheless, a high price would gradually bring a high reward. As for Her, it meant their advanced technologies for battles. Her military levels skyrocketed like never before, equipped Her to face the harsh future which awaited Her.

But not for the disappearance of the Blessing Gods, no. Synestia's people had no other choice but to gain full control of the reins of history with another way.As for Their departure, Synestia was once again blessed with Their legacies. The mentioned legacies include Krissala from Goddess of Mercy, Blossoms of Sahatha from Goddess of Courage, and Synestia's Zen Codex from Goddess of Wisdom.Krissala, crystal with endless possibilities of usage once used and tweaked properly.Blossoms of Sahatha, flowers with special essence which could grant intelligence and power for the appointed ruling family―House of Veradisia.Zen Codex, Synestia's ultimate provision to study all of the Blessing Gods' blessings for Her further good.All of Their reliquiae, added with the eradication of everyone's memory about the war, granted them the chance to start a brand new journey ahead. Without any memories about the hideous wars before, without any remembrance of the Cataclysm. Which honed Her to become the Synestia that we all now know―merciful, full of wisdom, and cunningly courageous.

Companions at your side, into unknown pass.

Respectively from left to right, above is the appearance of Goddess of Wisdom, Goddess of Mercy, and Goddess of Courage. Each have their own name, role, and power.Hasafa, the Goddess of Wisdom. True to Her title, wisdom is her forte. She became the main leader and judge figure among the Blessing Gods, due to Her wisdom. Her wisdom is so vast, to the extent of knowing any kind of knowledge there is to share. Without any fancy usage, Her wisdom itself was already considered as her power. No one could possibly knew every intricate details happening upon the lands, not like Her. Among the oceans of knowledge within herself, science was the most frequently used knowledge of Hers, as seen how She left Synestia's Zen Codex as her reliquiae before she must disappear from Zerynthia. Even in Her absence, Her judgement is eternal through Varna―special substance within Veradisia's blood.Niema, the Goddess of Mercy. Just like Her title, merciful heart and soul like no other is her power. Ridiculous? Wait until you know what She can do once she bestows her mercy towards something. Even the most barren lands can be fertile once She puts her mercy towards it. Thus, her reliquiae as Krissala, Synestia's omnipotent crystal which bestows her everlasting mercy towards Synestia.

Basala, the Goddess of Courage. The most prominent Goddess once war became the most concerned aspect for Synestia. Of course, it didn't make Her role small during peaceful times. For courage like hers was an essential power for each second passed, since Synestia must always be on guard towards the roaming monsters around the sands. Since manpower became one of Synestia's caliber, it was up to Her to ensure Her people's courage during their work through her powers, especially the hazardous ones. Such courage must be passed on, which She had done by giving Blossoms of Sahatha as her reliquiae. Within the magical blossoms, resided Varna, the special substance within the essence.In a sense, Blessing Gods' powers were classified as omnipotence. Yet, their powers were limited to their titles. Hence, their limited freedom in doing whatever They wanted to do. Their omnipotence could only be done to fulfill Their roles. Hasafa's to broaden the wisdom of Synestians, Niema's to shower Synestia sands with mercy, and Basala's to grow cunning courage within all Synestians' hearts.

The jewel of the desert, one can not avert.

Synestia kingdom sovereignty consists of several cities, each has their own role to maintain Her glory. The names of the cities are listed below.
✼﹔ Royal City of Solandix
✼﹔ Leita City
✼﹔ Myrph City
✼﹔ Saephos City

Aside from Her cities, Her sovereignty also covers wild landscapes filled with wonders. Below are the names for the areas untouched by cities.
✼﹔ Maranaia Valley
✼﹔ Amandla Mines
✼﹔ Pariksana Dunes
✼﹔ Cladmus River
✼﹔ Kvure

To think Solandix air could taste so sweet.

Area-wise, Royal City of Solandix is the smallest city within Synestia. Be that as it may, that doesn't mean the role of the city is as small.This city has the honor to be the home of Synestia's nobility. Serving as the capital city, Royal City of Solandix is the most prestigious part of the kingdom. From how they dress to how they live, they live up to their expectations as nobles. Prestigious, elegant, insightful.Need not to worry, such prominence of the citizens of Solandix never triggered a distance with the other citizens from the other cities. As how the God of Mercy's teachings guided Synestia's people, they all are brothers and sisters, no matter where they are from. Royal City of Solandix is always open for everyone to visit, which also makes it as Synestia's city for recreation.A thing called discrimination is nonexistent, the gap between the nobles and the commoners never falters the kingdom.

Architecture of Solandix is the most distinctive from the other cities within Synestia, mostly adorned with intricate decorations. This was mainly caused by the necessity to have distinguished area for the nobility, since each city has their own color to be proud of. The buildings within the city are mainly residents for the nobles. From mansions, to spacious stables for those who own exotic creatures as their pets. As additions for the residents, there are lavish markets for royalties, with some royal gardens for everyone to enjoy.In the middle of it all, lies the Royal Palace. The residence for the ruling House, no other than House of Veradisia. Not only does it serve as their home, it also serve as the base of their government.